- Kinologija
- Hits: 2485
Organizator/Organizer: Kinološko društvo Bečej
Suorganizator: L.U.''Bečej''
CACIB BEČEJ – 06.06.2020
FCI Rasa/Breed/Rasse Sudije/Judge/Richter:
1. Sve rase – All breeds, Jorkšir terijer - Yorkshire Terrier, West Natalija Zeljić (SRB)
2. N.Boxer, bernski, njufaundlender, šar pej Firic Peter (SRB)
Šarplaninac, šnaucer, Crni ruski terijer, Srednje azijski ovčar, kavkaski ovčar, i ostale raseNenad Marić (SRB)
2. ostatak II – Rest of II Groop Anna Maria Jedut (BG)
2. Rotvajler, Kane Korso, Saša Mihajlović (SRB)
2. Doberman Rada Istvan ( H)
3. Sve sem Yorkshir i West Antoan Hlebarov (BG)
4. Sve rase – All breeds Antoan Hlebarov (BG)
5. Sve rase – All breeds Firic Peter (SRB)
6. Sve rase – All breeds Siniša Sančanin (SRB)
7. Sve rase – All breeds Siniša Sančanin (SRB)
8. Sve rase – All breeds Piljević Dušan (SRB)
9. Sve rase – All breeds Paunović Dušan (SRB)
10. Sve rase – All breeds Antoan Hlebarov (BG)
Rase van FCI – Non FCI breedsSiniša Sančanin (SRB)
Prema potrebi organizator zadrzava pravo promene sudijske liste/Should it become necessary the organizer retains the right to change the judges list.
Predviđene nagrade za:
Sve prvake rasa Najlepšeg najmlađeg psa (I, II, III mesto)
Prvake FCI grupa Junior BIS (I, II, III mesto)
Najlepši odgajivački par (I, II, III mesto) Najlepšeg veterana (I, II, III mesto)
Najlepšu odgajivačku grupu (I, II, III mesto) Najlepšeg bečejskog psa (I, II, III mesto)
Najlepšu bebu (I, II, III mesto) Junior Heandling (I, II, III mesto)
Najlepši lovački pas Best in Show (I, II, III mesto)
Satnica/Show Schedule:
7.00 – 9.00 – Uvodjenje pasa/Entry of the dogs
9.30-9.45 – Otvaranje izložbe/Official opening
10.00 – Ocenjivanje pasa/Judging in the rings
14.00 –Best in show - po završetku ocenjivanja/after the judging
Izlagači Foreign exhibitors
Prvi pas/First dog 2000.00 RSD 40 EUR
per dog
Ostali psi/Following dogs1800.00 RSD
Parovi, odgajivačke grupe, grupe potomaka/ Pairs,breeders group, progeny group Besplatno, prijave na dan izložbe FREE, ENTRIES ON THE DAY OF SHOW
Plaćanje na dan izložbe po psu je 2500,00 din.
Rok za prijavu/Entry deadline: 01.06.2020.
Uplate izvršiti na tekući račun br: 170-30017016000-54
Prijave šaljite na adresu/The entry forms will be sent to address:
Kinološko društvo ’’Bečej’’ Bečej, P.F. 60, 21220 Bečej; Srbija
Priloziti kopiju potvrde o uplati. Bez potvrde o uplati ni jedna prijava nece biti uvrstena u katalog.
Payment: Foreing exhibitors will pay entry fee on the day of show, in show office.
Psi se mogu preko e-maila: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
On-line prijave/On-line entries:
Telefon za infomacije: +381 63-51 71 95
Mogu se izlagati samo psi koji imaju rodovnik priznat od FCI. Nemogu se izlagati bolesni, kastriradni, sterilisani psi i kuje u teranju. Psi moraju biti vakcinisani protiv besnila i o tome moraju imati odgovarajuću potvrdu. Bez potvrde o vakcinaciji protiv besnila i potvrde o zdravstvenom stanju za tekucu godinu psi nece biti pušteni u izlozbeni prostor. Svi psi moraju biti obelezeni mikrocipom ili tetovirani. Za svu štetu koju pocini pas odgovoran je vlasnik.
Only dogs with valid FCI pedigrees can be entered to the show. Dogs which have been neutered,sick dogs as well as females in heat are excluded from the show. Dogs should be vaccinated against rabies and should have an international healt certificate otherwise they will not be allowed to approach the show premises. Exhibitors are personally responsible for all damage cused by their dogs.
izvor: KD BEČEJ