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- Hits: 1808
65. CACIB BELGRADE 17 of November 2019
Entries for 65.CACIB can be done in one of the following ways:
1 On-line online prijava
2 By mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3 Or by regular mail to the address: Kennel Klub of Republic Serbia,Bukovicka 1, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
The dog must be in the ownership of the exhibitor. The application for each dog ( no matter of class) is 30 Eur. For the entrance into the class of the breeding couples, groups,and junior handling the application is free of charge and
Information : +381113933888 ,3933777, 3933555 DEADLINE : 30.10.2019.
JUDGES: TAL YAFEE /ISR/ I FCI grupa- I FCI group. VLADIMIR ŽIŽAKOV /SRB/ Sar Pej-Shar Pei,Nemacka Doga-Deutscher Dogge,Sarplaninac-Sarplaninac. VLASTISLAV VOJTEK /SK /Rotvajler-Rotweiler. ANDI HUDONO /IDN/ Doberman – Dobermann,Nemacki bokser- Deutscher Boxer. FABRIZIO LA ROCCA / I / Argentinski pas – Dogo Argentino, Kane Korso – Cane Corso. STEEFAN SINKO /SLO/ Mastif – Mastif,Bulmastif – Bullmastif,Napuljski mastif – Mastino Napolitano,Kanarski pas- Dogo Kanario, Engleski buldog-English Bulldog. NENAD MARIĆ /SRB/Snauceri – Schnauzer,Pinčeri – Pincher,Kavkaski ovcar- Caucasian Shepherd Dog,Bordoska Doga-Dogue de Bordeaux. ZLATKO JOJKIĆ /SRB Bernardinac -St.Bernhardshund,Bernski planinski pas-Bernese Mountain Dog,Srednjeazijski ovčar–Central Asia Shepherd Dog,Njufaundlendski pas-Newfoundland. MAITE GONZALBO LORENZO /ESP/ Američki stafordski terijer – Am. Staff.Terrier,Bul terijer – Bull Terrier,Stafordski bul terijer – Staff. Bull Terrier. CSABA DENK / H/ III FCI grupa – Terijeri-FCI group III-Terriers. NiKOLA SMOLIĆ / CRO/ Jazavičari – Dachshunds, Hrtovi – Windhunde, PETRU MUNTEANU /RO/, V. FCI Grupa – V. FCI group, DRAGAN RISTIĆ /SRB/ VI FCI grupa- VI FCI group, VII FCI grupa – VII FCI group. JUDIT BEKE /H/ VIII FCI grupa- VIII FCI group. IVETA VOJTEKOVA /SK/ IX FCI Grupa – IX FCI group. LISBETH MACH / CH/ IX FCI Grupa – IX FCI group.