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Pevači objavljuju video spotove na kojima se vidi ’ubistvo’ lovaca

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Novi muzički video koji prikazuje ubistvo lovaca na tetreba zaokupio je maštu ekstremista za prava životinja. Blogeri, uključujući Ruth Tingay, promovišu “Burn The Heather” iz punk grupe The Lounge Society, koja prikazuje streljački vod kako ubija lovce. 

U međuvremenu, novi muzički video pevača Ben Howard-a, nazvan “What a day”, prikazuje lovce kako ubijaju čoveka obučenog u zeca, dok Howard, opisan kao ‘Ed Sheeran iz Devona’, peva kuniću kućnom ljubimcu.

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Tekst pesme na engleskom:

What a day to go around

Heavy in the sound of breaking mirrors

What a day to go around

Head up in the clouds, thought you were better

What a way to come around

While I take you out, I take you walking

Healing, mercy

[Verse 1]

Shadow nearing

Course there's knowing

Where to put the right words, here in

Where does all the time go?


What a day to go around

Heavy in the sound of rivers breaking

What a day to go around

Well the sun came out and it was taking

Breaking me out

What a day to go around

While I take you out, I take you walking


[Verse 2]

Missing light

Dance around a pale blue sky

Where does all the time go?

[Verse 3]

Always fearing

Our hands clawing

Up against the light, it's nearing

Where does all the time go?


Always fearing

Our hands clawing

Up against the light, it's nearing

Where does all the time go?



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